INFO:Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: H.264
Audio codec: DTS
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video /29538 kbps / 1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 /
Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Audio 2: DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4865 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)
Size: 36.42 GB
Tracklist:01. I Put a Spell On You
02. Slave to Love
03. Don't Stop the Dance
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
05. If There Is Something
06.Make You Feel My Love
07. You Can Dance
08. Alphaville
09. Reason or Rhyme
10. Oh Yeah!
11. Like a Hurricane
12. Tara
13. Bitter-Sweet
14. Avalon
15. My Only Love
16. What Goes On
17. Sign of the Times
18.Love is the Drug
19. All Along the Watchtower
20. Let's Stick Together
21. Hold On I'm Coming
22. Jealous Guy
Bonus:The Making of Olympia (1080i; 00:45:49) is a really interesting look at the background of this album. There's quite a bit of studio footage included, as well as interviews with the musicians and other people involved, including engineers and producers.